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  Tremor adalah gerakan bergetar yang terjadi secara tidak sadar dan tidak dapat dikendalikan. Tremor bukan gangguan yang dapat mengancam jiwa. Umumnya orang yang mengalami tremor dapat menjalani hidup secara normal meskipun terkadang mengalami kesulitan dalam melakukan beberapa aktifitas sehari-hari.         Penyebab tremor yang paling umum seperti, kelelahan otot, terlalu banyak mengonsumsi kafein, tertekan atau stres, penuaan dan kadar gula darah rendah. Penyebab tremor lainnya yaitu dalam kondisi sedang sakit, seperti terkena pukulan, cedera otak traumatis, penyakit parkinson, hipertiroidisme, yaitu suatu kondisi yang mana tubuh seseorang memproduksi terlalu banyak hormon tiroid dan multiple sclerosis. Gejala Tremor, ditandai dengan beberapa gejala, yaitu: 1. Munculnya gerakan gemetar yang tidak terkendali pada bagian tubuh. 2. Suara bergetar ketika berbicara. 3. Kesulitan menulis atau menggambar akibat gemetar. 4. Kesulitan menggenggam akibat gemetar. ...
The task for today   Past tense from the text: 1. Thomas jeffrey hanks or tom hanks was born in California,USA on July 9,1956.   (-) Thomas jeffrey hanks or tom hanks wasn't born in California,USA on july 9,1956.   (?) Was thomas jeffrey hanks born in California,USA on july 9,1956? 2. He is known as an actor,director,screenwriter.   (-) He didn't know as an actor,director,sreenwriter.   (?) Who is know as an actor,director,screenwriter? 3. He is known as an actor,director,screenwriter who has several times won oscar.   (-) He didn't know as an actor,director,screenwriter who has several times win oscar.   (?) who has several times win oscar? 4. Hanks has been married married twice.   (-) Hanks didn't be married twice.   (?) Why Hanks be married twice? 5. Second marriage he married actress Rita wilson in 1988 until now.   (-) Second marriage he didn't marry actress Rita wilson in 1988.   (?) When...
Tom hanks Maret,21 2020    Thomas Jeffrey Hanks or Tom hanks was born in California,US Aon July 9,1956. He is known as an actor, director, screenwriter who has several times won Academy Awards (Oscar).    His personal life, Hanks has been married twice. His first wife was actress Samantha Lewes, who later divorced in 1987. Second mariage he married actress Rita Wilson in 1988 until now. From the marriage with the two women, Hanks has four children, three boys and one girl.    His film PHILADELPHIA (1993) and FORREST GUMP (1994) led him to win the best actor Oscar. While his film BIG (1989), SAVING PRIVATE RYAN (1999), CAST AWAY (2001) led him to be nominated for an Oscar. In addition, from the films he also won the Golden Globe Awards for best actor for drama films and Best Actor Motion Picture Musical or Comedy.       Until now Tom is still an actor, and. participates in the biography film Elvin      ...